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Nov. 4, 2022

Secret City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington

Secret City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington

Secret City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington
by James Kirchick

The New York Times Bestseller

"Not since Robert Caro’s Years of Lyndon Johnson have I been so riveted by a work of history. Secret City is not gay history. It is American...

Secret City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington
by James Kirchick

The New York Times Bestseller

"Not since Robert Caro’s Years of Lyndon Johnson have I been so riveted by a work of history. Secret City is not gay history. It is American history.”
—George Stephanopoulos

Washington, D.C., has always been a city of secrets. Few have been more dramatic than the ones revealed in James Kirchick’s Secret City.

For decades, the specter of homosexuality haunted Washington.

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